Peace meaning in Urdu: Explanation and Examples

Peace meaning in Urdu is translated as “آمن” (aman), signifying tranquility, harmony, and the absence of conflict or disturbance. It reflects a state of internal and external calmness.


The concept of “peace meaning in Urdu” extends beyond mere absence of conflict; it encompasses a profound sense of security, stability, and serenity. In Urdu-speaking cultures, “aman” (آمن) is highly valued and often associated with a harmonious society where individuals live free from fear and anxiety. It represents a condition where there is mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation among people.

Peace is not just a social or political state but also an individual’s mental and emotional condition. When one says “آمن” (aman) in Urdu, it often implies a holistic sense of well-being, where both the mind and the environment are in a state of balance. This state of “aman” is essential for fostering a productive and fulfilling life, as it creates an atmosphere where creativity and positive interactions can flourish.

In literature and everyday language, “peace meaning in Urdu” carries connotations of spiritual calm and contentment, emphasizing the importance of inner tranquility as much as external harmony. The word is frequently used in greetings and prayers, signifying the universal desire for a peaceful existence.

Similar Words:

Words similar to “peace meaning in Urdu” include:

  • “سکون” (sukoon): Refers to calmness or restfulness.
  • “چین” (chain): Indicates a state of relief or comfort.
  • “سلامتی” (salamat): Means safety or well-being.
  • “آشتی” (aashti): Represents reconciliation or amity.

These words collectively convey different nuances of peace, whether it is inner calm, societal harmony, or overall well-being.

Examples of peace meaning in Urdu:

آمن کے بغیر ترقی ممکن نہیں ہوتی۔ (Without peace, progress is not possible.)

آمن کے ماحول میں لوگ زیادہ خوش و خرم زندگی بسر کرتے ہیں۔ (People live happier and more fulfilling lives in a peaceful environment.)

آمن کی حالت انسان کو ذہنی سکون فراہم کرتی ہے۔ (A state of peace provides mental tranquility.)

ہمیں دنیا میں آمن اور محبت کا پیغام پھیلانا چاہیے۔ (We should spread the message of peace and love around the world.)

ہر مذہب آمن اور بھائی چارے کا درس دیتا ہے۔ (Every religion teaches peace and brotherhood.)

In conclusion, “peace meaning in Urdu” encapsulates a profound aspiration for tranquility and harmony, reflecting a deep cultural and spiritual value placed on living in a state of calmness and security. The term “آمن” (aman) encompasses various dimensions of peace, from personal serenity to social harmony, highlighting its integral role in fostering a content and progressive society.

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