Make Believe Meaning in Urdu

Make believe” in Urdu is translated as “خیالی” (Khayali). It refers to pretending or imagining something that is not real, often used in play or storytelling contexts.


Make believe describes the act of pretending or imagining situations, characters, or events that are not real. In Urdu, it is expressed as “خیالی” (Khayali), emphasizing the imaginative aspect of creating fictional scenarios. This term is commonly used in children’s play, where they engage in make-believe games, and in storytelling, where authors create imaginary worlds and characters.

The concept of “make believe” encourages creativity and allows individuals to explore alternate realities through imagination. It involves suspending disbelief to immerse oneself in fictional narratives or scenarios, fostering cognitive development and storytelling skills, especially in young children. In literature and entertainment, “make believe” plays a crucial role in captivating audiences and conveying fantastical or surreal experiences.

Understanding “make believe meaning in Urdu” as “خیالی” (Khayali) helps convey the notion of pretending or creating illusions in a playful or creative context. It underscores the imaginative capacity to construct narratives or scenarios that transport individuals beyond reality, offering a form of escape and entertainment.

Similar Words

  • مختصر (Mukhtasar) – Fictional

  • خیالی بنانا (Khayali Banana) – To make up imaginary things

  • بناوٹی (Banawati) – Fanciful

  • خیالی جہان (Khayali Jahan) – Imaginary world

  • موجودہ سے ہٹ کر (Maujooda Se Hat Kar) – Apart from reality

Examples of “Make Believe Meaning in Urdu”

بچوں کی خیالی کہانیاں Children’s make-believe stories
وہ اپنے خیالی دوست ہیں They are his make-believe friends
خیالی جہان میں کتاب Book in the make-believe world
خیالی سیر کرنا To make believe adventure
بچوں کی خیالی خریداری Children’s make-believe shopping


In summary, “make believe meaning in Urdu” as “خیالی” (Khayali) captures the essence of pretending or imagining scenarios that are not real, commonly used in play, storytelling, and creative expression. This term reflects the imaginative capacity to create fictional worlds and narratives, enriching cultural and artistic expressions in Urdu-speaking communities.

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