Learn Meaning in Urdu with Examples

The word “learn” in Urdu is translated as “سیکھنا” (seekhna). It signifies the process of acquiring knowledge or skills through study, experience, or teaching.


The term “learn” holds significant importance in both English and Urdu languages. In Urdu, “learn” is expressed as “سیکھنا” (seekhna). This verb encompasses the act of gaining knowledge, skills, or understanding through various means such as education, practice, or experience. Learning is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and development, enabling individuals to expand their horizons and improve their abilities.

In Urdu-speaking regions, “سیکھنا” (seekhna) is a common word used in everyday conversations, especially in educational contexts. It is used to describe the process students go through in schools, colleges, and universities. Additionally, it applies to informal learning situations, such as acquiring a new hobby, mastering a musical instrument, or learning a new language.

Similar Words:

Several words in Urdu convey meanings related to “سیکھنا” (seekhna):

  1. پڑھنا (parhna) – To read or study.
  2. سکھانا (sikhana) – To teach.
  3. جاننا (jan’na) – To know.
  4. حاصل کرنا (hasil karna) – To acquire or obtain.
  5. آگاہ ہونا (agah hona) – To become aware or informed.

Examples of Learn Meaning in Urdu:

Below is a table with five examples illustrating the usage of “learn” in Urdu (سیکھنا):

Urdu (سیکھنا) English (Learn)
میں نے نئی زبان سیکھی۔ I learned a new language.
بچے اسکول میں سیکھتے ہیں۔ Children learn in school.
آپ کب تیرنا سیکھیں گے؟ When will you learn to swim?
اس نے گاڑی چلانا سیکھا۔ He learned to drive a car.
ہم نے تاریخ سے بہت کچھ سیکھا۔ We learned a lot from history.


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