Last hope meaning in Urdu: Explanation and Examples

Last hope meaning in Urdu, “آخری امید” (Aakhri umeed) signifies the final expectation or chance in a situation. It denotes the last opportunity or possibility upon which someone relies for a favorable outcome.


“Last hope” in Urdu, “آخری امید” (Aakhri umeed), refers to the final recourse or expectation when all other options seem exhausted. It represents the pinnacle of anticipation, often implying a critical or decisive moment where one’s hopes hinge on a singular possibility. This phrase underscores the significance of this final chance, emphasizing its pivotal role in determining outcomes.

Similar Words:

Related Urdu terms include “آخری راہ” (Aakhri raah), meaning the last path or option, and “آخری چھوٹ” (Aakhri chhoot), referring to the last opportunity. These expressions convey a similar sense of finality and crucial dependence on the remaining possibility.

Examples of last hope meaning in Urdu

Examples illustrating “last hope” in Urdu:

He is relying on his last hope that things can change in his favor. وہ اپنے آخری امید پر اعتماد کر رہا ہے کہ انکے حالات میں کچھ بھی بدل سکتا ہےا
After difficulties, they are working on their last hope. مشکلات کے بعد، وہ اپنی آخری راہ پر کام کر رہے ہیں۔
When all doors are closed, even the last hope can work. جب تمام چھوٹ چکا ہو، آخری امید بھی کام آ سکتی ہے۔


These instances showcase the critical reliance on  last hope meaning in Urdu, highlighting its pivotal role in uncertain or challenging situations.

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