Hype Create Meaning in Urdu

The phrase “hype create” in Urdu is translated as “جوش و خروش پیدا کرنا” (josh o kharosh paida karna). It means generating excitement, enthusiasm, or exaggerated publicity about something. This phrase is often used in marketing and media contexts to describe the act of creating buzz and anticipation.


The phrase “hype create” combines two concepts: “hype,” which refers to extravagant or intensive publicity and promotion, and “create,” which means to bring something into existence. In Urdu, “hype create” is expressed as “جوش و خروش پیدا کرنا” (josh o kharosh paida karna). This phrase is commonly used in contexts where there is an effort to generate excitement or enthusiasm about a product, event, or idea.

Creating hype involves various strategies, including advertising, social media campaigns, and influencer endorsements, to build anticipation and attract attention. In Urdu-speaking regions, this phrase is often used in marketing and promotional activities to describe efforts aimed at making something seem highly desirable or important.

Similar Words:

Several phrases and words in Urdu convey meanings related to “جوش و خروش پیدا کرنا” (josh o kharosh paida karna):

  1. پروپیگنڈا کرنا    (propaganda karna) – To promote or spread information.

  2. اشتعال پیدا کرنا    (ishtial paida karna) – To incite or stir up.

  3. شور مچانا    (shor machana) – To make noise or fuss.

  4. دلچسپی بڑھانا    (dilchaspi barhana) – To increase interest.

  5. توجہ حاصل کرنا    (tawajju hasil karna) – To attract attention.


Examples Of Hype Create Meaning in Urdu:

Examples illustrating the usage of “hype create” in Urdu (جوش و خروش پیدا کرنا):

Urdu (جوش و خروش پیدا کرنا)
English (Hype Create)
کمپنی نے نئے فون کے لئے جوش و خروش پیدا کیا۔ The company created hype for the new phone.
فلم کی تشہیر کے لئے جوش و خروش پیدا کیا گیا۔ Hype was created for the movie’s promotion.
فیشن شو کے بارے میں جوش و خروش پیدا کیا گیا۔ Hype was created about the fashion show.
میلے کے لئے جوش و خروش پیدا کرنے کی کوشش کی۔ Efforts were made to create hype for the fair.
کھیل کے نئے سیزن کے لئے جوش و خروش پیدا ہوا۔ Hype was created for the new sports season.


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