Happy Meaning in Urdu: Explanation and Examples

Happy meaning in Urdu is translated as “خوش” (khush). It signifies a state of joy, contentment, and well-being. The term “khush” is used to express feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.


The term happy meaning in Urdu encompasses a range of positive emotions and states of being. “خوش” (khush) reflects an overall sense of joy and contentment. In Urdu-speaking cultures, happiness is often associated with life’s simple pleasures, such as spending time with loved ones, achieving personal goals, or experiencing good fortune.

Happiness, or “khushi” (خوشی), in Urdu not only signifies an emotional state but also a broader sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life. It’s about the joy derived from meaningful relationships, a sense of purpose, and inner peace. “Khushi” can be found in everyday moments, like the smile of a child, the success in a small endeavor, or the beauty of nature.

Culturally, the pursuit of happiness is deeply embedded in Urdu-speaking societies, where the well-being of family and community often takes precedence over individual achievements. The phrase “khush raho” (خوش رہو), meaning “stay happy,” is commonly used in blessings and greetings, reflecting the cultural emphasis on the importance of happiness.

Similar Words:

  • “مسرت” (musarrat): Joy or delight.
  • “خوشی” (khushi): Happiness or cheerfulness.
  • “شادی” (shadi): Joyfulness or gladness.
  • “شادمانی” (shadmani): Rejoicing or elation.
  • “راحت” (raahat): Comfort or relief.

These words convey various aspects of happiness, from fleeting moments of joy to enduring contentment.

Examples of happy meaning in Urdu:

    • وہ بہت خوش تھا جب اس نے نیا کام شروع کیا۔ (He was very happy when he started his new job.)
    • ان کی شادی کی تقریب میں سب بہت خوش تھے۔ (Everyone was very happy at their wedding ceremony.)
    • بچے کی کامیابی پر والدین بہت خوش ہوئے۔ (The parents were very happy with their child’s success.)
    • جب آپ اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ وقت گزارتے ہیں تو آپ خوش محسوس کرتے ہیں۔ (You feel happy when you spend time with your friends.)
    • خوش رہنا زندگی کا سب سے بڑا مقصد ہے۔ (Staying happy is the greatest purpose of life.)

In summary, the happy meaning in Urdu is encapsulated by the word “خوش” (khush), reflecting a profound sense of joy and contentment that is integral to personal and communal well-being. This term underscores the cultural importance of happiness in Urdu-speaking societies, where it is not just a fleeting emotion but a cherished state of being.

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