Burn the Midnight Oil Meaning in Urdu – Full Explanation

The phrase “Burn the Midnight Oil” is a common English idiom used to describe working late into the night. This article explores its meaning in Urdu, origin, examples, and usage in daily life.

Burn the Midnight Oil Meaning in Urdu

The English phrase “Burn the Midnight Oil” means to stay awake late at night working or studying. In Urdu, it is translated as:

“دیر رات تک محنت کرنا”
“رات کے دیر تک جاگ کر کام کرنا”

This phrase is commonly used when someone is working hard, preparing for exams, or finishing an important project.

Origin and History of “Burn the Midnight Oil”

The phrase “Burn the Midnight Oil” comes from a time when people used oil lamps for light before electricity was invented. Staying up late meant using more oil in lamps, leading to the phrase.

It originated from the 17th-century English poet Francis Quarles, who used this phrase in his writings. Over time, it became a popular idiom for hard work and dedication.

Detailed Explanation of Burn the Midnight Oil in Urdu – تفصیلی وضاحت

محاورہ “Burn the Midnight Oil” کا مطلب اردو میں “رات دیر تک محنت کرنا” یا “رات گئے تک کام میں مصروف رہنا” ہوتا ہے۔ یہ محاورہ ان لوگوں کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے جو کسی مقصد کے حصول کے لیے رات دیر تک جاگ کر کام کرتے ہیں، چاہے وہ مطالعہ ہو، کوئی پیشہ ورانہ کام ہو یا کوئی دوسرا اہم مشغلہ۔

یہ محاورہ قدیم زمانے سے چلا آ رہا ہے جب لوگ رات میں روشنی کے لیے تیل کے چراغ جلاتے تھے۔ جو لوگ دیر تک کام کرتے، انہیں اضافی تیل جلانا پڑتا تھا، اسی وجہ سے یہ اصطلاح Burn the Midnight Oil مشہور ہو گئی۔ آج کل، یہ خاص طور پر طلبہ، مصنفین، سائنس دانوں اور محنتی افراد کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے جو کامیابی کے لیے اپنی نیند قربان کر کے محنت کرتے ہیں۔

Burn the Midnight Oil Urdu Examples:

“امتحانات قریب ہیں، اس لیے احمد کو رات دیر تک پڑھائی کرنی پڑے گی۔”

“نئی رپورٹ مکمل کرنے کے لیے ہمیں رات گئے تک کام کرنا ہوگا۔”

یہ محاورہ اس بات کی علامت ہے کہ کامیابی کے لیے محنت اور لگن ضروری ہے، خاص طور پر جب وقت کم ہو اور کام زیادہ۔

Examples of “Burn the Midnight Oil” in Sentences

To understand this phrase better, here are some example sentences with their Urdu translations:

  • He burned the midnight oil to prepare for his exams.
    (اس نے امتحان کی تیاری کے لیے دیر رات تک جاگ کر محنت کی۔)

  • She is burning the midnight oil to complete her project.
    (وہ اپنے پروجیکٹ کو مکمل کرنے کے لیے رات دیر تک محنت کر رہی ہے۔)

  • If you want to succeed, you must burn the midnight oil.
    (اگر آپ کامیاب ہونا چاہتے ہیں تو آپ کو سخت محنت کرنی ہوگی۔)

These examples show how the phrase is commonly used in English and Urdu.

Why Do People Burn the Midnight Oil?

Many people “burn the midnight oil” for different reasons, such as:

1. Students Studying Late

Students often stay up late before exams to revise and complete assignments.

2. Professionals Working on Deadlines

Employees and freelancers sometimes work overnight to meet project deadlines.

3. Writers and Researchers

Authors, researchers, and content creators often work late into the night to finish their work.

4. Business Owners

Entrepreneurs and business owners frequently burn the midnight oil to grow their businesses.

Conclusion – Importance of Hard Work and Smart Work

“Burning the midnight oil” is a sign of dedication and hard work, but working late every night can affect health. Instead of always staying up late, a balance between hard work and smart work is important.

This phrase is widely used in English conversations, exams, and professional settings. Knowing its meaning in Urdu and its usage can help you improve your vocabulary and communication skills.


What is the meaning of Burn the Midnight Oil in Urdu?

Burn the Midnight Oil means رات دیر تک کام کرنا in Urdu. It refers to working late at night, usually studying or completing an important task, often sacrificing sleep for productivity or achieving a goal.

How do you say Burn the Midnight Oil in Urdu?

This idiom translates to رات دیر تک کام کرنا in Urdu. It is used when someone stays up late, usually working on a task that requires extra effort, determination, and dedication.

What is the meaning of Burn the Midnight Oil in Urdu with example?

Burn the Midnight Oil means رات دیر تک محنت کرنا. Example: “Ahmed burned the midnight oil to prepare for his exams, sacrificing his sleep to ensure he understood all important topics properly.”

What is the origin of Burn the Midnight Oil?

The phrase originated from old practices when people used oil lamps at night to continue working. It symbolizes working tirelessly late at night to complete tasks, study, or achieve specific objectives.

What is another way to say Burn the Midnight Oil?

Alternative phrases include work late into the night, pull an all-nighter, and stay up late working. These expressions convey the same idea of putting in extra effort during nighttime hours.

How to use Burn the Midnight Oil in a sentence?

Example: “She burned the midnight oil to complete her office project before the deadline, ensuring that every detail was perfect despite working late into the night.”

Why do people Burn the Midnight Oil?

People burn the midnight oil to meet deadlines, prepare for exams, or complete urgent work. It often happens when they have important responsibilities, requiring extra effort and dedication beyond regular working hours.

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