Sœur Meaning in Urdu

“Sœur” is a French word that means “Sister” in English. In Urdu, “Sœur” translates to “بہن” (Behn). It refers to a female sibling or a close female relative. Understanding “Sœur” meaning in Urdu helps in discussing family relationships and the concept of sisterhood across different languages.

Sœur Meaning in Urdu: Translation

The French term “Sœur” translates to “بہن” (Behn) in Urdu. It denotes a sister, or female sibling, who shares a common parent or is considered a close female relative. The term “Sœur” is used in French-speaking contexts to refer to a sister, while “بہن” represents the same concept in Urdu. This translation aids in understanding and communicating familial relationships involving sisters in various cultural and linguistic contexts.

Sœur Meaning in Urdu: Phrases

Here are some phrases incorporating “Sœur” and its meaning in Urdu:

1- “Ma sœur” – “میری بہن”
Translation: “My sister”

2- “Sœur aînée” – “بڑی بہن”
Translation: “Elder sister”

3- “Sœur cadette” – “چھوٹی بہن”
Translation: “Younger sister”

4- “Sœur de cœur” – “دل کی بہن”
Translation: “Soul sister”

5- “Sœur jumelle” – “جڑواں بہن”
Translation: “Twin sister”

Sœur Meaning in Urdu: Explanation

“Sœur” is a French word that translates to “بہن” (Behn) in Urdu, meaning “Sister.” It refers to a female sibling or a close female relative who shares a common parent or is considered part of the family in a significant way. The term “Sœur” is used in French-speaking regions to describe sisters in both immediate and extended family contexts.

In Urdu, “بہن” encompasses the same concept, representing relationships between female siblings, whether older, younger, or twins. Understanding “Sœur” and its Urdu equivalent is important for discussing familial bonds and the role of sisters in different cultural settings.

Similar Words Sœur in Urdu

French Word Urdu Translation
Sœur بہن
Grande sœur بڑی بہن
Petite sœur چھوٹی بہن
Demi-sœur سوتیلی بہن
Sœur jumelle جڑواں بہن

How to Say Sœur Meaning in Urdu

To say “Sœur” in Urdu, use “بہن” (Behn). Pronounce it as “Behn.” This term is used to refer to a sister, whether she is older, younger, or a twin. Knowing how to use “بہن” appropriately helps in discussing family relationships and the role of sisters in Urdu-speaking contexts.

When discussing “Sœur” in various contexts, you can use phrases like “میری بہن” (my sister) or “بڑی بہن” (elder sister) to specify different aspects of sisterhood. This helps in effectively communicating about sisters and their roles in both French and Urdu.

Urdu and French Examples Of Sœur in Urdu

English Phrase Urdu Phrase French Phrase
“My sister” “میری بہن” “Ma sœur”
“Elder sister” “بڑی بہن” “Sœur aînée”
“Younger sister” “چھوٹی بہن” “Sœur cadette”
“Soul sister” “دل کی بہن” “Sœur de cœur”
“Twin sister” “جڑواں بہن” “Sœur jumelle”

Conclusion: Sœur Meaning in Urdu

In conclusion, “Sœur” is a French term that translates to “بہن” (Behn) in Urdu, meaning “Sister.” It signifies a female sibling or a close female relative within a family. Understanding “Sœur” in Urdu helps in discussing and appreciating the role of sisters and familial relationships across different cultural contexts. Whether referring to an elder, younger, or twin sister, “بہن” captures the essence of sisterhood in both French and Urdu environments.

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