Famille Meaning in Urdu

“Famille” is a French word that means “Family” in English. In Urdu, “Famille” translates to “خاندان” (Khandan). It refers to a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption, often living together and sharing common bonds. Understanding “Famille” meaning in Urdu helps in discussing familial relationships and structures across different cultures.

Famille Meaning in Urdu: Translation

The French term “Famille” translates to “خاندان” (Khandan) in Urdu. It denotes a group of people connected by blood, marriage, or adoption. The term “Famille” encompasses the concept of family, including immediate family members like parents, siblings, and extended relatives. In Urdu, “خاندان” represents the same familial connections, making it easier to discuss and understand family dynamics in different linguistic contexts.

Famille Meaning in Urdu: Phrases

Here are some phrases incorporating “Famille” and its meaning in Urdu:

1. “Ma famille” – “میرا خاندان”
Translation: “My family”

2. “Famille nombreuse” – “بڑا خاندان”
Translation: “Large family”

3. “Famille proche” – “قریبی خاندان”
Translation: “Close family”

4. “Famille recomposée” – “نئی تشکیل شدہ خاندان”
Translation: “Blended family”

5. “Famille unie” – “اتحاد والا خاندان”
Translation: “United family”

Famille Meaning in Urdu: Explanation

“Famille” is a French word that translates to “خاندان” (Khandan) in Urdu, meaning “Family.” It refers to a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption who share common bonds and often live together. The term “Famille” is used in French to describe various types of family structures, including immediate and extended families.

In Urdu, “خاندان” covers the same concept, encompassing both nuclear families (parents and children) and extended families (relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins). Understanding “Famille” and its Urdu equivalent helps in discussing family relationships, structures, and dynamics in diverse cultural and linguistic settings.

Famille Similar Words in Urdu

French Word Urdu Translation
Famille خاندان
Parenté رشتہ داری
Clan قبیلہ
Proches قریبی رشتہ دار
Parents والدین

How to Say Famille Meaning in Urdu

To say “Famille” in Urdu, use “خاندان” (Khandan). Pronounce it as “Khandan.” This term is used to describe the family unit, including all related individuals. Knowing how to use “خاندان” appropriately helps in discussing family structures and relationships in Urdu-speaking environments.

When expressing “Famille” in different contexts, you can use phrases like “میرا خاندان” (my family) or “بڑا خاندان” (large family) to specify different aspects of family life. This facilitates effective communication about familial matters in both French and Urdu.

Urdu, English and French Examples Of Famille 

English Phrase Urdu Phrase French Phrase
“My family” “میرا خاندان” “Ma famille”
“Large family” “بڑا خاندان” “Famille nombreuse”
“Close family” “قریبی خاندان” “Famille proche”
“Blended family” “نئی تشکیل شدہ خاندان” “Famille recomposée”
“United family” “اتحاد والا خاندان” “Famille unie”

Conclusion: Famille Meaning in Urdu

In conclusion, “Famille” is a French term that translates to “خاندان” (Khandan) in Urdu, meaning “Family.” It signifies a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption, and encompasses both immediate and extended family members. Understanding “Famille” in Urdu helps in discussing and appreciating familial relationships and structures in various cultural contexts. Whether referring to close relatives or broader family connections, “خاندان” captures the essence of family in both French and Urdu environments.

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